Sunday, September 22, 2013

Review: Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments

For my first review on this blog, I've chosen Fresh's line of Sugar Lip Treatments.
I remember buying the original Sugar color several years ago, but it wasn't until about a year ago, that I fell in love with these all over again.

Fresh Lip Treatments (L to R): Sugar, Rose, Petal, Berry, Passion, Cherry

The packaging: I love how these are packaged. They come in their own little box, and the actual tube that encases the product is sturdy (I've dropped these several times and barely made a dent in them!). You have to slightly unscrew the tube to open it, and then you unscrew to push up the product. The only thing I don't like about the packaging is that it has a metallic finish, so when you accidentally rub two tubes together, it's reminiscent of nails on a chalkboard (this might just be me though). 

The scent: I love the smell of these! It smells like a very sweet lemon. I'm not sensitive to smells in cosmetics, so I don't know if others would think these are too scented though.

The product: These all go on very smoothly and you can build up the color as much as you would like. These products are not weightless, so you know you're wearing something on your lips though. The great thing about these lip treatments are that they are not sticky and they're easy to reapply without a mirror. They also left my lips feeling smoother and softer. They last about 4 hours on me and the darker colors leave a nice stain on my lips. If you're eating or drinking, you'll have to reapply after. 

Favorites: My favorite out of the group is Petal, although it's hard to choose a favorite! I only chose Petal because it's my go-to Sugar and the one I throw in my purse when I'm going out for the day. It's the closest to my natural lip color and enhances it just the right amount.

Cost: $22.50 - pricey for a balm, but you'll fall in love with them and they're SPF 15!

For comparison, here's a photo of my natural lip color

The original Sugar

Sugar Rose - sheer rose tint

Sugar Petal - sheer petal pink tinted

Sugar Berry - sheer raspberry tinted

Sugar Passion - sheer crimson red tinted

Sugar Cherry - bright sheer cherry red tinted

Questions? Comments? Let me know what you think!

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